Wisdom of the Water element and Winter season in TCM & 5 Element theory.
Water element in Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM) isREAD MORE
Earth Element in traditional Chinese medicine & why it's essential to know how to remain grounded.
I’m writing this on a New Moon in Pisces - all the water. And yet, with so many potent astrological shifts occurring this year - like every outer planet changing signs - never happened in our lifetime, everyone will feel it one way or another. As many of you know, astrology saved my life. I know, I know - it’s usually Yoga - that did first, but then came 2020 - I needed another life line. Astrology. Well, namely Pam Gregory. God bless her soul. If you don’t know her and you love astrology - you’re missing out, she is gold, you can find her on Youtube. Why is this relevant? Because there was never a more important time to know how to get grounded in your body, and practice it daily. There is a lot of shifting and changing cosmically, therefore energetically and as we are so connected to everyone and everything, naturally, we are affected. As we head into dreamy Pisces season, adoration, romanticism, wistful lenses of perception may blur our rose tinted glasses even more, and don’t get me wrong, I am here for the dreaming big, always ;) However, if we don’t remain connected to earth and our bodies as earth, we will be off in la-la land or worse still, ‘as above, so below’ we could end up on the other end of the scale heavy in disillusionment and confusion. Not only is it important astrologically, but Nature's new year is literally around the corner and as the external environment shifts, so does our internal one, which needs a new way of nurturing. The body begins to sense we are shifting into a new season, ready, but not quite ready. Longing for the longer days and nights, yet still needing the comfort of early nights and not quite yet fired up to get lively. It creates a sense of internal confusion within that requires tending to carefully. One which calls for a deepening of the internal mother energy within, one which offers grounding, presence, wholeness, needing nothing but the present moment exactly as it is. Wholeness, just as you are. Come Spring in just a few weeks, we will shift to a new season, and from a place of groundedness within, we can most certainly move forwards with strength, resilience and renewed vitality. In traditional Chinese Medicine, the Earth Element not only represents the late summer when the harvest is in full bloom, ready for crop, but it also represents the last 18 days of each season as we transition into the next. I find it especially helpful to lean into it as we depart Winter and move into Spring. The Earth element means we should support the stomach and spleen (and pancreas) organs which can be most susceptible at the changing season times, but in the days we are living in with so much re-ordering of the world and ‘noise’ lets say, it’s best to support yourself daily through routine practices. I have no doubt you already naturally find yourself doing some. When these beautiful organs are imbalanced in TCM, we emotionally become more anxious, worried, with a sense of scarcity or ‘not enoughness’. We feel a lack, which can show up as countless things. This can also show up as losing faith and lacking trust. We need these organs balanced not only to be able to digest your ‘grain qi’ - your food to convert to healthy energy, but also everything you consume is being processed , digested and assimilated in these organs. Yes, everything. That conversation you just had, media you just listened to, advert you watched. Your wonderful spleen, is digesting it all. I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a lot to digest. Conversely when you tend to your heart-mind-body to support this element within you, you feel wholesome, like you got a big mama hug, nurtured, cared for, because it is within you, not outside of you. We all have this capacity to nurture ourselves in ways that sometimes, only we know we need. So darling, what makes you feel nurtured and leaves you feeling a sense of wholeness within? It might be being in nature, hugging a loved one, baking a cake, taking a long hot bath, walking barefoot on the grass. All very supportive for this element. Interestingly, the Fire element is the Mother which supports the earth element. So if you are feeling lacking, you can also support through fire things, like connecting with loved ones, hugging, having intimate moments of connection, switch your coffee to drink Cacao. Ways to support the earth element within you; - Barefoot on the grass - immediately soothes anxiety as the negative ions in earth balance out all the positive ions we are surrounded by, like electronic devices, frequencies running through our homes. - Eat naturally occurring sweet foods like root veggies or sweet treats like medjool dates. Earth’s palate is sweet, as it like the ‘sweet’ things in life’ and this helps us to feel nurtured. - Calming breathwork to cultivate presence when over burdened with an overthinking mind. - Sleep routine - have a healthy sleep routine. - Massage your feet, a great way to bring energy from the head down towards earth. - Grounding essential oils, like doterra *Balance. Also oils that support the brain like rosemary oil as it supports the mind to think clearly. - When you eat - only eat. Connect with your food in a mindful way, sensing where it has grown, the soil, sun, rain and conditions that have supported its fruition. - Try to eat warming foods, the spleen doesn’t like cold foods. - Practice gratitude daily, notice the sweetness of the simple things. Drop into your heart, and feel that sense of warmth love and gratitude brings. - Acupressure / acupuncture. - Laugh. When you’re laughing, you’re nowhere, but exactly in the moment. Now. Perfect, just as it is. So, what can you do today that would make you feel nurtured? What daily habit, or weekly ritual, would really tend to support yourself and your inner Earth element? Sending you a big earthy Mama hug from lil me, Helen xx
Water element in Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM) isREAD MORE
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