Autumn Alchemy - Journey of the Lungs


27th October | 4pm - 6pm The River Room, Halton




27th October | 4pm - 6pm The River Room, Halton




						Autumn is the season of releasing and letting go, of clearing out, to prepare the body to turn more inward with only what is needed for the darker season of rest, Winter. 

The organs most susceptible to external pathogens, and from a subtle anatomy perspective, the time to energetically clear out and protect are the Lungs in the season of Autumn. 

Combined with the Large intestine, these two organs symbiotically work together to support our capacity to receive and release the heavenly Qi through your breath. 

The things we don’t release keep us bound, stuck, and over time create stagnancy, heaviness and a lack of vibrancy in the body, even anxiety or depression can be expressed. The body wants to clear this energy to bring us back to harmony, clarity and vibrancy.

This workshop will be the sweetest of spaces to explore meditation, somatic connection to the lungs, breathwork, acupressure and Yin for clearing, releasing and restoring your mind-heart body complex.

You can expect an inviting, warm and tender approach from Helens guidance and nurturance to support your healing and clearing journey. 

Come as you are, leave feeling more equipped, self aware and lighter - a clearer vessel to gently move through this beautiful season. 					

I believe we are our own greatest teacher, but every now and then we need a nudge ;)

- Helen Olivia